San Mateo Daily Journal: “Now is the moment for us to create a wall of safety around our kids. That’s why I’m calling on school districts to require that the educators and their staff are fully vaccinated, or submit to very frequent COVID testing,” said Becker, D-San Mateo, at an Aug. 3 news conference at the Ravenswood Family Health Center in East Palo Alto. “We’re at a tipping point in our fight against COVID-19. The delta variant is clearly an issue. It’s clearly very contagious.”
In the News "It's really incumbent on us to make every effort to put kids first and to really inspire confidence in the schools to make them as safe as possible — really to build a wall of protection and security around them," Becker told Patch. "The best way to do that is make sure all the adults that they're going to come in contact with in school are vaccinated. We know that most of them are. Let's get to 100 percent."
Palo Alto Online: "As we prepare to send our kids back to school, as my wife and I prepare to send our kids back to our public schools, now is the moment for us to create a wall of safety around our kids," [Senator] Becker said.
Telemundo 48: Varios distritos escolares a lo largo de la Bahía están tomando medidas luego de que se registrara un brote de COVID-19 en el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Brentwood la semana pasada en el condado Contra Costa.
KTVU: Kaiser Permanente announced on Monday that COVID vaccinations are mandatory for all employees and physicians, as a growing number of private companies and organizations get more aggressive in the fight against the virus.
CalMatters: After discovering that his personal information was put on the Dark Web, state Sen. Dave Min started a cybersecurity and identity theft prevention committee, the first of its kind in the country. [Other committee members include:] Menlo Park Sen. Josh Becker, who represents Silicon Valley, home of tech giants like Apple, Google and Facebook. The East Palo Alto organization was honored by state Sen. Josh Becker for its work to bridge the digital divide during the pandemic. "Rather than losing hope, amid the myriad of unprecedented challenges you all have had to tackle, you rose to the occasion. You ensured that education and economic opportunities were readily accessible to those truly in need of it."
San Mateo Daily Journal: “When I think about budget priorities and policies, I personally think about three things. One, are they going to enable equality of opportunity,” Senator Becker said. “Secondly, will they increase quality of life for my constituents and their families and people across California. And third, are we being responsible with the money entrusted to us.”