Local officials: State increases in child care funding are 'truly historic'

The Almanac News
By Angela Swartz

Recently passed legislation will bring more funds to San Mateo County early childhood learning programs, though child care facilities are not yet sure how the funds will be distributed.

Gov. Gavin Newson signed Assembly Bill 131 into law in July, which increases rates, provides rate parity for all child care providers, and sets the stage for broad rate reform. It ensures 200,000 more child care slots over the next five years and provides $250 million to retrofit, upgrade or expand child care facilities.

Newsom also signed SB 130 on July 9, which makes transitional kindergarten free for all 4-year-olds in California.

"In my district, these moves would increase rates by a projected 30% — a strong step toward the professional wage rate care providers deserve," said state Sen. Josh Becker, D-Menlo Park, in a statement. Becker called the increased funding "truly historic."

"It's easy to get lost in the terminology of rate reform or childcare slots, but at the end of the day there are kids that are going to be served (because of this legislation)," he said. "Women and men who are going to get back to work. ... Child care work force pay is so low; everybody knows this is a critical time at brain development."