Digital Education Equity Program Reintroduced in California Legislature

The GovReport
By Jessica Mulholland

California public school districts officially have another shot at equal access to professional development for teachers and technical assistance that will help schools effectively use their technology — and schools could cost-effectively plan for and implement current and emerging educational technology.

“Educational technology is essential for teaching and learning in the Digital Age,” Sen. Josh Becker, D-Peninsula, told The GovReport. “And California educators must have equitable access to the professional development and technical assistance that make effective use of this technology possible.”

State funding for such support ended when California adopted the Local Control Funding Formula about eight years ago, according to a press release. So on January 25, 2022, Becker introduced SB 876 to create the statewide the Digital Education Equity Program (DEEP), which the state Department of Education and County Offices of Education are slated to plan and implement.

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