Becker’s Groundbreaking AI Transparency Bill Passes Key Committee

The California Artificial Intelligence Transparency Act (CAITA) protects consumers by giving them the ability to determine if materials have been generated by AI

Sacramento, CA—Today the Assembly Committee on Judiciary approved a sweeping consumer protection and privacy rights bill, SB 942, the California Artificial Intelligence Transparency Act (CAITA), authored by Senator Josh Becker (D-Menlo Park).

This bill requires large generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) system providers to label AI-generated images, videos, and audio created by their models with visible and imperceptible, embedded disclosures. It also provides an AI-detection tool for users to query whether content was created by AI, and enforce third-party licensees to the extent technically feasible to prevent undisclosed content publication.

“Artificial intelligence has become an integral part of our daily lives, influencing the products we use. It is crucial that consumers have the right to know if a product has been generated by AI. In my discussions with experts, it became increasingly clear that the ability to distribute high-quality content made by generative AI creates concerns about its potential misuse,” said Becker. “AI-generated images, audio and video could be used for spreading political misinformation and creating deepfakes. CAITA will advance provenance, transparency, accountability, and empower individuals to make choices aligned with their values." 

CAITA addresses the growing influence of AI in product creation and ensures that consumers have the information they need to make informed choices. As AI continues to play a pivotal role in various industries, the bill emphasizes the importance of disclosure and consumer awareness. CAITA marks a significant step toward establishing clear guidelines for AI-generated products, setting a precedent for other states and jurisdictions to follow.

Senator Becker has been a leading advocate for privacy rights and consumer protection. As the Senator who represents Silicon Valley, he understands the need to harness emerging technologies in a responsible manner to maximize their benefits while providing safeguards for any potential harms.

The bill is sponsored by the Protection of the Educational Rights of Kids - Advocacy, Oakland Privacy and the Transparency Coalition.AI. It now heads to the Assembly Committee on Appropriations for its consideration.