For Immediate Release
MENLO PARK – “Congratulations to Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez on the signing of her landmark bill protecting the health and safety of warehouse workers,” said Senator Josh Becker, D-Peninsula, who championed AB 701 when it came before the full Senate earlier this month.
“California leads on innovation and technology, but productivity metrics and profits must not come at the expense of workers who forgo meal, bathroom and rest breaks to meet quotas. I’m honored to represent much of Silicon Valley and the heart of our technology industry, having worked as an entrepreneur and in technology since the early days of the internet. I know we can lead with tech in a way that advances humanity and do so in a way that does not negatively impact worker health safety. Unfortunately, that’s not happening today in many of our warehouses.
“Companies have created an environment where workers are treated very much like machines: Every day they face increasing work speeds to meet relentless productivity quotas, forcing many workers to neglect their basic needs. I’ve had the opportunity to speak to workers, including long-time friends of mine, who’ve worked in these warehouses and have shared their stories with me.
“AB 701 is about righting the warehouse industry as a whole and restoring the dignity of workers in our equations for success through innovation. AB 701 will help us stop the race to the bottom.”
More resources:
Assemblymember Gonzalez’s News Release on AB 701:
Governor’s New Release:
Video of Senator Becker’s Senate Floor Statement on AB 701:
Media Contact: Leslie Guevarra,, 415-298-3404