Press Releases

Today we honor the memories of those who perished in the Ottoman-era genocide of ethnic Armenians and condemn the atrocities that killed 1.5 million people as well as all violence fueled by racial or ethnic hate. Thank you to President Biden for speaking out on this solemn Day of Remembrance.

“Climate advocates and environmentalists have long awaited strong steps to curtail hydraulic fracturing and oil extraction in California,” said state Senator Josh Becker, D-Peninsula, the vice chair of the Joint Legislative Committee on Climate Change. “Governor Newsom’s moves today enable our state to firmly turn the corner on these practices and launch California in a new direction."

The Senate’s Energy Utilities and Communications Committee passed climate action legislation today by state Senator Josh Becker that will make it easier for owners to convert their property to electricity powered homes and buildings.

“The $2 million investment announced today by San Mateo County to provide free college to 500 students is exactly the type of bold leadership we need as we emerge from the pandemic," said Senator Becker. "To me, investments like this are about improving equity and access to critical education and job training opportunities that are not readily available for all students graduating from under-resourced schools."

The Senate Education Committee unanimously passed bills by Senator Josh Becker today to help make community college more affordable to the students most in need and to equitably provide the state’s public school districts with much-needed development and technical support for digital learning programs.

State Senator Josh Becker called on the state to immediately expand vaccine eligibility to all residents in vulnerable communities disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. “Communities like East Palo Alto are home to large numbers of essential frontline workers who have heroically stepped up and supported all of us through the entire pandemic but remain largely unvaccinated," he said.

“Congratulations to Assemblymember Robert Bonta, soon to become our state’s new Attorney General. Assemblymember Bonta’s nomination from an array of stellar candidates is well-deserved. In addition to his impressive cred as an attorney, a lawmaker and a civil rights activist, Assemblymember Bonta will become California’s first Filipino American AG. Thank you, Governor Newsom for meeting this crucial moment in our state and in our nation with your nomination of Rob Bonta today.”

State Senator Josh Becker called for the state and counties to swiftly align their guidance on distancing in schools with the recommendation issued today by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Protections.