In the News

(Bloomberg Law) - Lawmakers in California are working to join other states regulating health insurers’ use of artificial intelligence tools in coverage decisions.

Senator’s bill would allow psychedelics for veterans, first responders in 3 counties

(San Mateo Daily Journal) - After numerous attempts to legalize psychedelics over the last couple years, many advocates are now putting their energy behind state Sen. Josh Becker, D-Menlo Park, as his latest bill would allow military veterans and first responders to take psilocybin or psilocin in a medically supervised setting — and only in a few counties.

Moving the unsheltered into tiny homes, hotel rooms and other types of housing is a proven, cost-effective strategy

(San Francisco Chronicle) - After seeing three previous efforts fail to legalize psychedelics, a bipartisan pair of California legislators are trying again to permit them for therapeutic purposes, this time narrowing their focus to helping veterans and first responders in three counties, including San Francisco. 

(San Mateo Daily Journal) - A funding proposal based on a complicated vehicle license fee reimbursement formula tied to local school funding that could mean a loss of $70 million from last fiscal year for San Mateo County may have a fix in the joint legislative budget agreement plan released May 29.

(Los Angeles Times) - You’re not alone if it seems like your electric bill is getting too damn high.

Californians pay some of the highest electric rates in the country. In the last decade households have seen their electricity rates nearly double even while their budgets are squeezed by inflation and rising temperatures from climate change mean they have to use more energy to cool their homes.

State lawmakers include money for local Caltrain grade separations in their plan

(San Mateo Daily Journal) - Just one day after a press conference with local officials and state Sen. Josh Becker calling for the restoration of state funds for the dangerous Broadway Caltrain crossing grade separation in Burlingame, a joint legislative budget agreement seemed to do just that.